-Architectural LED lighting options such as Wall-Wash and Outline Accents -Arterial LED lighting systems, such as Street LED lights- Retrofit & New Design, Highways, and Tunnels. -Up to 80% Energy Savings from LED Retrofit. -Services include lighting intensity analysis and two replacement options.
- Reassessed & Pair lighting to achieve an overall classic interior light design. - Custom tailored Accents & Spot LED lighting options that help create an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere based on your unique tastes.
- LED light strips are available for indoor & outdoor applications. -LED light strips are available standard as well as custom lengths. - Spot LED & under cabinet LED lights. - Programmable red, blue & green (RBG) LED options with remote control for decorative lighting.
-Architectural LED lighting options such as Wall-Wash and Outline Accents -Arterial LED lighting systems, such as Street LED lights- Retrofit & New Design, Highways, and Tunnels. -Up to 80% Energy Savings from LED Retrofit. -Services include lighting intensity analysis and two replacement options.
(707) 986-8828
We believe in the potential of bright ideas!